Prepay Your Funeral
One of the ways you can make some of your assets not count against you for Medicaid qualification is to prepay your funeral. You can do this by purchasing an investment, through the funeral provider you select, designed to cover these final expenses. This investment will then be irrevocably assigned to the funeral provider and held in trust until the service is needed.
This process ensures that you will have the money needed to cover the services you have selected. When done properly, according to Medicaid regulations, this is a lawful spend-down of assets.
You can call Bob Riege, our Advanced Planning Counselor, if you have questions regarding Medicaid funeral allowances.
Funeral Planning Office
339 Walnut Blvd. | Rochester, MI 48307
Bob Riege - Phone: 586-746-4209 | Fax: 586-263-3088